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Ready to revolutionize your speech recognition process? Reach out to our sales experts for a customized solution tailored to your needs.



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Convert your audio or video files into text automatically with over 95% accuracy using our advanced deep-learning speech recognition algorithms.

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Vatis Tech transcribes both real-time and pre-recorded files. 1 hour of pre-recorded data is ready in less than 10 min.

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You can integrate Vatis Tech’s APIs into your application in minutes with a single API call and easy-to-follow documentation.

Big quote

“In a world full of unsearchable, but crucial information on platforms such as TikTok, InstaReels, Facebook or Youtube lives, Vatis gave us, as journalists, the opportunity to collect, transcribe and search for information.

Without it, I would have to listen to thousands of hours of interviews, debates and streamed video solely helped by two ears, ten fingers and a headset.”

Victor Ilie

Victor Ilie

Investigative Reporter, Recorder

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